School Board Approves The Commons' Wetland Mitigation Proposal
Squamscott staff and architect Joel Bargmann (BH+A) led a walk of the proposed site for The Commons community center. The site walk was requested by the Exeter Plannning Board following the September 25th hearing. All who participated were delighted with the plans and applauded Squamscott's efforts to minimize impact on both abutters and the environment. Discussion focused primarily on the proposed perimeter road which will provide bus access to the Seacoast School of Technology (SST), which was approved by the Cooperative School Board at their October 9th meeting. As the road will pass through an area that has suffered substantial damage from recent floods, The Commons is proposing exchanging fill from the back of the existing school parking lot (directly behind the Annex building) in order to elevate the road out of the flood plain. The exchange will result in a loss of nine parking spaces. The subsequent reconfiguration of the lot will abate storm water run-off to the river, which has suffered severe ecosystem damage during the past several decades. All who attended the walk were very much in favor of the proposal, viewing it as a win-win situation for both SST and the local environment. Other focuses included drainage, lot line adjustments and screening for abutters. Those in attendance included Town Planner, Sylvia Von Aulock; Conservation Commission Chair, Don Clement; Planning Board members Anthony Zwaan and Lang Plumer; Exeter selectman Bill Campbell; and several abutters and Exeter residents.
Squamscott staff and architect Joel Bargmann (BH+A) led a walk of the proposed site for The Commons community center. The site walk was requested by the Exeter Plannning Board following the September 25th hearing. All who participated were delighted with the plans and applauded Squamscott's efforts to minimize impact on both abutters and the environment. Discussion focused primarily on the proposed perimeter road which will provide bus access to the Seacoast School of Technology (SST), which was approved by the Cooperative School Board at their October 9th meeting. As the road will pass through an area that has suffered substantial damage from recent floods, The Commons is proposing exchanging fill from the back of the existing school parking lot (directly behind the Annex building) in order to elevate the road out of the flood plain. The exchange will result in a loss of nine parking spaces. The subsequent reconfiguration of the lot will abate storm water run-off to the river, which has suffered severe ecosystem damage during the past several decades. All who attended the walk were very much in favor of the proposal, viewing it as a win-win situation for both SST and the local environment. Other focuses included drainage, lot line adjustments and screening for abutters. Those in attendance included Town Planner, Sylvia Von Aulock; Conservation Commission Chair, Don Clement; Planning Board members Anthony Zwaan and Lang Plumer; Exeter selectman Bill Campbell; and several abutters and Exeter residents.