Thursday, May 04, 2006

Change of Guard for Squamscott Community Commons

EXETER, NH: Squamscott Community Commons has elected a new slate of officers and continues to build its board of directors as it readies for the capital campaign needed to build Exeter’s first community center and YMCA.

Carter Woodworth Siegel, Exeter resident was elected President of the board. A resident of Exeter since 1998 with her husband Joshua and two daughters, she has been involved in the community as a member of the Conservation Commission, the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce, religious school teacher, and is an active member of the Exeter Elementary PTO, most recently as Co-President (’05-’06). Carter is also a graduate of the Leadership Seacoast program (2005). “I am honored to be part of an incredible mission that will change the face of Exeter for future generations. Squamscott Community Commons is a group if right-minded individuals with integrity and true-grit. The vision that the Squamscott Community Commons brings to this community is bold and bright and with this group of talent, it will become a reality!”

Past-President, Donna Schlachman, was elected as Secretary. She was honored for her eight years of leadership at a special meeting of center stakeholders last month with a Linden tree to be planted on the site of the new center. Exeter resident Liz McConnell serves as Vice-President, and Brian Lortie, CPA, Lortie & Carignan, is Treasurer. The Board of Directors also includes Don J. Briselden, former Director of Facilities Management at Phillips Exeter, and Exeter resident; Pam Cameron, Director Elegant Homes Division, GMAC Carlson Real Estate and Kensington resident; Stratham resident Beth Cleary VP, Commercial Lending, Ocean National Bank; Exeter resident Chris Davies, Principal, Great Bridge Properties; East Kingston resident Davis Farmer, Co-founder, Pacific Edge Biotechnology Ltd.; Rob Roy McGregor, Executive Director, Southern District YMCA/Camp Lincoln, Kingston; Exeter resident Mark Moeller, AIA, LEED, Architect, JSA Inc.; Nancy Pierce, Principal, Seacoast School of Technology; Exeter resident Randy Raymond, Principal, Agora Planners & Associates; Exeter residents Jan Russell, Harvey K. Shepard, PhD, and Cara Siegel.

The mission of the Squamscott Community Commons is to improve the quality of community and family life by creating and maintaining an intergenerational center that provides social, health, recreational, cultural and educational opportunities for all. Squamscott Community Commons plans to construct a community center on the site of the Exeter High School Annex on Linden Street that will be home to a full-service family YMCA and agencies that provide programs and services in health, wellness, arts, culture, nutrition, childcare and recreation to the region. The integrated and sustainable design of this centrally located facility will enhance the participating agencies’ capacity and reduce their operating costs. The agencies, in turn, can focus on what they do best: provide effective programs and services for our community. The presence of a variety of nonprofit organizations in a central location will create increased awareness of and involvement in charitable organizations by the public who use the facility. Participating agencies, local businesses and health services will benefit from new partnerships and collaborative ventures that will enhance the community they serve. Squamscott Community Commons will transform the greater Exeter community. This facility will provide a central place for residents of all walks of life to come together.


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